Webmaster's position clarified on Bike Lanes

Back on Thu, 07 Jan 1999 06:19:20 +0000, the esteemed writer Jordan Baker <jbb@spyderlab.com> keyed the following:
>Just wondering Tim... do you ride a bike yourself?
>I do.
>People driving in cars are not used to sharing the road with bikes.
>Bikers are dying on the road, so instead of just protesting this positive move, perhaps you could suggest a more viable alternative?


Sure I bike..

I also drive a car.

I also pay lots of taxes - a lot of my gas tax goes to road tax.  How much of your special bike tax goes to the roads? (rhetorical question, don't answer)

Bicyclists are a special interest group.  They are a loud group that represent a microscopic number of taxpayers.  I have no problem with bike lanes, in areas that can actually spare the space.  Most old city of Toronto streets cannot spare the space.  Merchants cannot afford the loss of parking spaces in front of their businesses, drivers cannot afford the loss of lanes to keep moving above a crawl.

Cars and merchants pay the most taxes, they should get the most services, period.  Creating a bike lane eliminates the on street parking and constricts traffic flow.  Bad for everybody, except the die hard cyclists who represent less than 1% of everybody.

I say 1% of everybody has no right to dictate to 99% of the rest of us what to spend public money on and inconvenience us at the same time.

ALL roads should be bikeable...and in fact, most cyclists DO NOT go out of their way to find a bike route.  Like cars, they take the fastest and shortest route possible.  Makes sense.  Gutters should be properly maintained, and sewer grates replaced so bikes tires don't fall in.  Small signs should be placed near metered parking, with a picture of a biker getting smashed by a car door, with the word "caution" under it.  (any graphic designer, please email a copy of this for my web page please, credit will be given).

I'll pay for a few signs and a few pamphlets telling drivers to smarten up and watch out for cyclists - only because cyclists can die if a mistake is made.  Like most other drivers, I have 0 sympathy for most cyclists, who drive at night without any lights or reflectors, or the majority who have no respect for the Highway Traffic Act.  For instance, how about a campaign telling cyclists that they CANNOT PASS ON THE RIGHT!  A good majority of deaths are caused by cyclists passing on the right, and getting mashed when the vehicle turns right on top of them.  A toot on a whistle and passing on the left could save many lives...I'll help pay for that campaign.

Meanwhile, St. George is grid locked most days, ditto for Davenport, Sherbourne, and especially Gerrard St - a disaster for emergency vehicles.

I hope they do get their bike lane on Spadina.  I hope all the merchants start losing money too.  When they scream, we'll finally get a review of this insane waste of money - bike lanes.

Thanks for writing.

January 7, 1999

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